1000 Days on the River Kwai: The Secret Diary of a British Camp Commandant

1000 Days on the River Kwai: The Secret Diary of a British Camp Commandant

Matematika selesaikan dy/dx = x + 10

selesaikan dy/dx = x + 10


[tex] \sf \frac{dy}{dx} = x + 10[/tex]

[tex] \sf dy = (x + 10)dx[/tex]

[tex] \displaystyle \sf \int dy = \displaystyle \sf \int x + 10 \: dx[/tex]

[tex] \sf y + \sf{C}_{1} = \sf \frac{ {x}^{2} }{x} + 10x + C_{2},\sf{C}_{1} \in \mathbb{R},C_{2} \in \mathbb{R}[/tex]

[tex] \sf y = \frac{ {x}^{2} }{2} + 10x + C,C \in \mathbb{R}[/tex]


Maka, y = x²/2 + 10x + C.

